Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Departure and Staging

Right now I am in Philadelphia, PA.

I spent my last night at my mom's where we had a delicious family dinner of steak and a bunch of other things that I will not eat for a while. Afterward, I tried to pack everything, which actually turned into a large pile of stuff I need my parents to mail. Luckily I live with a host family for the first 3-months because they provide enough amenities that I do not need all of my camping gear. It was hard to say goodbye to Karissa, and then my mom and joe at the airport, especially since they were all such champs dealing with me being stressed out preparing to leave.

I flew out of the Milwaukee Airport and into Philadelphia, PA where "staging" occurs. Basically they brought everyone together from across the US, who are going to Benin, allowed us to meet each other and provided some very basic trainings. They covered things such as risk, safety, Peace Corps policies, and other important but equally drab subjects.

The large majority of people (and there are probably about 55-60 total) are in their 20s, with a bit more women than men. It is a sobering fact that only about 1/3rd will stay for the full 2-years. Peace Corps actually gave everyone $140 for tonight and tomorrow and a nice hotel room. Here is some food for thought: They gave me $140 dollars for two days in the US, while in Benin I will be making around $180 for the whole month! I think they are giving us a bit of a 'gift' (from the taxpayers, of course) so that we can have a good meal and treat ourselves a bit before forgoing the benefits that the United States provides.

Tomorrow I leave for Benin via a five hour layover in Paris, after getting multiple shots. If everything goes well (cross your fingers for Air France) I will be in Benin by Friday at sometime. I am ready.


  1. 1- Glad to hear everything is going well. Thanks for the taxpayer shoutout, you've been reading the Economist I see. Safe travels tomorrow. Air France is pretty reputable..err..yeah.

    2- I picked up my skis today. Send me your dad's address sometime. No rush, I know you have a lot on your mind. Maybe during that 5 hour layover.

  2. Hey Tony, I've had some trouble getting up to speed with blogging. It is natural to fear what one does not understand. With practice comes comfort and speed. So it will be with your Peace Corp experience. Just keep plugging away! Dad

  3. Oh I just love these updates. It gives me something to read while I'm supposed to be working :)

    Keep your head up, and the updates coming. We love and miss you already.

  4. Hi Tony, I just returned from the Unitied Methodist Women's school of Christian Mission in Steven's Point. We had an instructor who works in South Sudan and she gave me a website, so we can keep up with the news from Benin that doesn't make it into our media. Looks like they had serious flooding in the south earlier in the month and severe rains moved to the north of the country. I hope they are getting the help they need.... I also plan on sharing your blog with Good Shepherd and Greener Oconomowoc.

  5. Tony...your blog is fastenating. I'll send the address on to Julie, Sarah and Amy. I know they will be tracking you as well. Be safe....hugz Aunt Jan
